Fabricante de mobiliário de exterior em alumínio em Foshan, China
Início Fabricante de mobiliário de exterior em alumínio em Foshan, China
If you are buying from an Aluminium Outdoor Furniture Manufacturer for your home use, the Foshan furniture market is a good choice. However, if you need to buy a large quantity for your hotel and other projects, we suggest you purchase directly from aluminum outdoor furniture manufacturers in Foshan. This will help you get the best price. As most of the suppliers in the market are trading companies, buying directly from the manufacturers can provide you with more competitive pricing.
Top Aluminium Outdoor Furniture Manufacturer in Foshan, China
Strength and Quality
We have found the top aluminium outdoor furniture manufacturer in Foshan market. They use welding artwork for furniture that is produced by expensive automic machines, which is better than other small factories that weld chair frames by hand. Hand-welded frames can result in chairs that are not stable and not flat.
Delivery Time and Market Reach
The delivery time of this top factory is very fast, ranging from 3-7 days, compared to other small factories that take 15 days. More than 10 distributors in Foshan wholesale market purchase from them and resell their products in the markets.
Case Study on Foshan Aluminium Outdoor Furniture Manufacturer for Hotel Needs
Based on the experience with the hotel owner businessman from South Africa, here is the list of his requests:
Outdoor furniture with excellent quality to match his 5-star hotel level.
The welding work and size of the outdoor furniture should be strong to support the weight of a heavy and robust man.
Customized color of the chairs.
Workshop Pics of Aluminium Outdoor Furniture Manufacturer in Foshan Market
They purchased 20 machines, which cost them USD 200,000 to finish the welding work of chairs. This is a big advantage compared to other small factories.
With mechanized welding technology, they can finish one container of outdoor furniture in 3 days with excellent quality.
Quality Check for Aluminium Outdoor Furniture Manufacturer in Foshan:
We confirmed the color, size, and packing of the chairs before paying the balance.
Designs by Foshan Aluminium Outdoor Furniture Manufacturer
All chairs are made from the best aluminum material with the optimal thickness to provide good support.
Our Role as a Foshan Sourcing Agent in China
This outdoor furniture factory we sourced ranks in the top 3 in the Foshan furniture market. They use mechanized welding technology instead of manual welding for chairs, ensuring that the chairs are strong enough to support fat and strong men in South Africa.
Their delivery time is 3-7 days even with a large order quantity from any customers, due to the benefits of mechanized welding technology.
As a Foshan sourcing agent, our job is to help clients find good suppliers in China. We need to:
Learn what the client wants and find suitable suppliers in Foshan.
Visit the supplier factories to check their quality and capabilities.
Negotiate prices and terms with the selected suppliers.
Ensure the products meet the client's requirements by doing inspections.
Arrange for the products to be shipped to the client.
Communicate regularly with both the client and suppliers.
Maintain good relationships with reliable suppliers in the region.
The main goal is to help the client find the right suppliers in Foshan and make the whole sourcing process smooth and successful.
If you need to purchase aluminum outdoor furniture for your business or project, we can arrange factory tours in Foshan for you. Feel free to reach out to us, and we'll be happy to organize visits to the relevant manufacturing facilities in the area.
Sobre o autor
Susan Ma: A sua especialista em sourcing na China e guia de mercado
Susan Ma é especialista em produtos e fábricas de sourcing para a Yolanda Limited. Ela ajuda os compradores a beneficiarem do Made-in-China. Susan tem experiência em orientação de mercado, verificação de fornecedores, negociação de acordos, inspeção de produtos, combinação de encomendas e organização de envios.
Ela conhece vários mercados grossistas da China, o que a ajuda a garantir os melhores negócios para os clientes. Susan é apaixonada por ajudar os compradores estrangeiros a explorar o potencial do mercado grossista da China e a maximizar os lucros.
Com a Susan ao leme das suas necessidades de sourcing, pode contar com a seguinte experiência de mercado:
Mercado de Guangzhou: Vestuário, tecidos, artigos de hotelaria, equipamento de cozinha, cosméticos, brinquedos, sapatos, sacos, cabelo humano
Mercado de Foshan: Mobiliário, materiais de construção, decoração de casas, máquinas
Mercado de Shenzhen: Eletrónica, Iluminação
Mercado de Zhongshan: Iluminação e acessórios
Faça uma parceria com a Susan e liberte todo o potencial dos mercados grossistas da China para a sua empresa.
Serviços principais
Auditoria de fábrica
Aprovisionamento de produtos
Procura de fornecedores
Guia do mercado
Visita à fábrica
Viagens de negócios
Pagamento ao fornecedor
Acompanhamento da encomenda
Preparação de documentos
Recolher e embalar
Controlo de qualidade
Envio combinado
Caminho de ferro
Problemas com o aprovisionamento e a expedição na China
Organizar uma visita ao mercado na China agora?
Planear uma visita à fábrica na China agora?
Precisa de um agente de transporte marítimo da China agora?
Não hesite em enviar-nos mensagens para WHATSAPP +86 13502249247
Sobre o autor: Susan Ma
Susan é uma agente de sourcing da China em Guangzhou que há 10 anos ajuda empresários de mais de 100 países a visitar os mercados grossistas e as fábricas da China para fazer compras. Ela partilha sempre as tendências dos mercados, os produtos mais vendidos e as regras de importação da China, fornecendo informações comerciais actualizadas com base na sua experiência profissional.
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