Where is the best replica bag market in the world?

My answer is the Guangzhou fake bags market in China, also known as the Guangzhou Baiyun Leather Market and Guangzhou copy market. The Guangzhou Baiyun Leather Market is a general name for all the different bag wholesale malls in the Baiyun market, including both regular factory brands and luxury replica brands.

Here, we will focus on introducing the fake bag markets in Guangzhou, China. In this copy market, it is good for both guangzhou fake shopping and wholesale replica bag business around the word.

Our Services: Guangzhou Copy Wholesale Market Guide, Payment to Multiple Suppliers in the Market, Consolidation of Goods from Multiple Suppliers, and Shipping from Guangzhou.

Why is Guangzhou Fake Bags Market the Best in the World?

Guangzhou Baiyun Leather Market

In the Guangzhou Baiyun Leather Market, if you see 10 people walking in the streets, 9 of them are foreign buyers. Guangzhou replica bags, known for their good quality and low prices, are famous worldwide, attracting international buyers every day!

Guangzhou Fake Bags Market

In the Guangzhou fake bags market, there are thousands of showrooms featuring manufacturers from all over China, including complete luxury brands with high quality and affordable prices for you to choose from. Once you visit the Guangzhou fake bags market, I bet you will be surprised and won’t regret it!

Pictures of Guangzhou Fake Bags Market

guangzhou china replica
china replica city
guangzhou replica purse market
guangzhou purse market
guangzhou replica mall
copy market guangzhou china

Video of Guangzhou Fake Bags Market

How Many Best Fake Bag Markets Are There in Guangzhou?

There are more than 30 different wholesale bag malls in the Baiyun Leather Market, but which are the best and most popular markets for fake bags in Guangzhou? Below are two markets we have listed where you can find many different kinds of high-quality luxury brand bags at wholesale prices. In these fake bag markets in Guangzhou, you can see many international buyers here every day; out of every 10 people, 8 are international buyers.

Baiyun World Leather Trading Center---for Personal
or Family Fake Shopping

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    Attracted more than 1,200 brand leather goods companies

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    Offers 31,800 categories of leather goods

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    Buyer network covers the entire globe

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    Shopping mall and office building area spans 23,000 square meters

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    Contains more than 1,100 wholesale bag shops

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    Largest fake market in Guangzhou, China

This fake bag market is suitable for personal and family shopping for international tourists in Guangzhou, but it is not ideal for business, as the prices of fake bags are relatively high. The price of luxury brand fake bags in this market is typically not less than $200 per piece. All the fake bags in this market are of high quality, made with real leather and good metal. If you are buying for friends or for personal use, this will be the best copy market for you in Guangzhou, China.

guangzhou replica market

Anxing Leather Market---for Businesspeople from Around the World

  • Why Visit Anxing Leather Market: If you are looking for replica luxury bags for business, you must visit Anxing Leather Market. This copy market is a little quieter than others because it caters to wholesale businesses. The bags here are made of PU leather, but it is good-quality PU material with reliable metal, which is the main reason the wholesale prices are better. Many businessmen from around the world come to this copy market and order container after container to resell in their countries.

  • Exploring the Best Deals: The wholesale prices at Anxing Leather Market are already very good. If you don't find the prices to your liking, you can explore the shops located behind this market. There are many wholesale shops on the streets that may offer even better prices, but you'll need patience and time to check each one individually.

  • So far, this is the cheapest and best wholesale replica bag market in Guangzhou if you are looking for replica bags in bulk.
  • Tips: When you visit this copy market, all the sample bags in the shops will be without luxury logos due to police checks. The suppliers will show you real logos through pictures, or if you insist on seeing bags with real logos, they will show you secretly the next day.
guangzhou fake bags market

If you are looking for replica bags in bulk or personal fake shopping but are still confused, you can contact us for a Guangzhou Market Guide and Guangzhou Agent Services.

General Tips for Buying in the Guangzhou Fake Bags Market


Try to Be Comfortable with the "Follower" at the Copy Market

Once you get out of the car to go inside the Guangzhou fake market, there are many guys standing at the gate to say “high copy” to you. They will follow you and try to guide you to the high copy showrooms.

When you face this, you can just ignore them, but in my experience, they are good sellers who want to sell more bags. Sometimes, they can be overly persistent, bothering you a lot to accept their offers.


No Luxury Logo on the Sample Bag in the Copy Market

Once you go inside the Guangzhou Baiyun fake bags market, you cannot see sample bags with luxury brands in the shops due to strict police checks.

In Guangzhou, copy brand bags are not legal. If you like a bag in the market, the suppliers will guide you to another floor or even another building to check their showrooms, which are full of different luxury brands of fake bags and international buyers.

This way, they can avoid police checks.


Moving to Another Building Showroom

There are luxury brands of bags, clothing, shoes, jewelry, belts, wallets, purses, scarves, watches, and glasses in different showrooms in these buildings.

You can find what you like here, but remember to bargain the price down to at least half, which is very important.

In these showrooms, you can see replica bags with real logos. What you see in the showroom is what you can get after payment. They can send the parcel directly to your hotel after you pay.

If you lack confidence in visiting this fake bag market, you can hire a Guangzhou Translator to accompany you and bargain on your behalf in the copy market.

Guangzhou Replica Bags Market Online Shopping


Finding Replica Bag Manufacturers in Guangzhou

If you focus on how to find a real manufacturer of replica bags in Guangzhou, you may have no chance of getting it.

All factories change their locations every year or hide themselves in remote, safe places from the police. So the only way for you to get the best price is to visit the Guangzhou fake bags market and place an order.


Sourcing Replica Bags with a Guangzhou Agent

However, if you have budget limitations and cannot come to China, you can also hire a sourcing agent in Guangzhou to help you source and ship the replica bags to your country.


Guangzhou Sourcing Agent Services for Replica Bags

As a Guangzhou sourcing agent, we have many sources for replica bags after guiding numerous international businessmen in the market.

So if you are planning to do online shopping for Guangzhou replica bags, we can help you source and ship from China at the best cost.

Most suppliers in the fake market in Guangzhou do not accept strangers to avoid risks.

Contact us now to check the designs, prices, and catalog of luxury bags from the Guangzhou fake bags market!

Map Location of the Copy Market in Guangzhou, China

How to Get to the Guangzhou Fake Bags Market?

Finding a Hotel Near Guangzhou Fake Bags Market

You can book a hotel in the Xiaobei and Taojin areas, where you can meet many international businessmen and find international canteens.

From this area to the Guangzhou fake bags market, it is just about 15 minutes by car. We strongly suggest that you get a Guangzhou market guide to arrange your transportation, such as Uber bookings, which can save you time and money and make your trips less confusing.

Public Transportation to Guangzhou Fake Bags Market

Of course, you can also take public transportation to Sanyuanli Station on Line 2, and then walk to the copy market in about 10 minutes.


No matter whether you are buying replica bags for business or personal use in Guangzhou, as a sourcing agent in Guangzhou, China, we can arrange Guangzhou fake bags market tours for you, source bags for you, and ship them from China.

About the Author

China sourcing company CEO

Susan Ma: Your China Sourcing & Market Guide Expert

Susan Ma is an expert in sourcing products and factories for Yolanda Limited. She helps buyers benefit from Made-in-China. Susan has experience in market guiding, vetting suppliers, negotiating deals, inspecting products, combining orders, and organizing shipping.

She understands various China wholesale markets, which helps her secure the best deals for clients. Susan is passionate about assisting foreign buyers in tapping into China's wholesale market potential and maximizing profits.

With Susan at the helm of your sourcing needs, you can expect the following market expertise:

  • Guangzhou Market: Clothing, Fabric, Hotel Supplies, Kitchen Equipment, Cosmetics, Toys, Shoes, Bags, Human Hair
  • Foshan Market: Furniture, Building Materials, Home Decoration, Machines
  • Shenzhen Market: Electronics, Lighting
  • Zhongshan Market: Lighting and Accessories

Partner with Susan and unlock the full potential of China wholesale markets for your business.

Main Services


Factory Audit

Product Sourcing

Supplier Finding


Market Guide

Factory Visit

Business Trips


Supplier Payment

Order Follow-up

Document Preparation


Pick and Pack

Quality Control

Combined Shipping













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User Information

About the Author: Susan Ma

Susan is a China sourcing agent in Guangzhou who has assisted businessmen from more than 100 countries in visiting China's Wholesale Markets and Factories to make purchases for 10 years. She always shares the trends of the markets, the hot-selling products, and the rules of importing from China, providing updated business information based on her work experience.

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