
As the best Guangzhou sourcing agent, we offer wholesale market guidance, factory sourcing, quality control, and China shipping services. Also, as the best شركة التوريد الصينية in Guangzhou, we have been working in sourcing for over 10 years. No matter what products you want to import from China, we can be your Guangzhou sourcing agent to help you purchase them for you with our extensive network of over 100,000 factories and suppliers, as well as access to over 100 China wholesale markets.

Let us be your China Buying Office in Guangzhou, allowing you to focus on improving your marketing efforts.

As a sourcing agent in Guangzhou, we can guide you to Guangzhou wholesale markets and local factories, translate for you, and order an Uber, which is more comfortable and cheaper than a taxi.

نحن نصدر! نحن ندفع! نحن نفحص! نحن ندمج! نقوم بالتخزين! نحن نشحن!

The General Services of Guangzhou Sourcing Agent Include

Guangzhou Sourcing Agent

قوانغتشو Sourcing Agent Services

"If you are asking me which city in China is the best for you to visit to start your business trip, then I would like to tell you that Guangzhou is the ideal choice."

Guangzhou city has more than 30 wholesale markets, offering a variety of products and connecting thousands of factories from all over China.

Moreover, Guangzhou is conveniently located near several other cities that are famous worldwide.

Foshan city, known for furniture and building materials, is just a one-hour car ride away from Guangzhou.

Shenzhen city, renowned for electronics, can be reached by train in just 30 minutes from Guangzhou.

Zhongshan city, famous for lighting, is only a 30-minute train journey from Guangzhou.

Dongguan city, famous for garments, is also accessible within 30 minutes by train from Guangzhou.

Yiwu city, renowned for commodities, is a two-hour plane ride away from Guangzhou.

Additionally, Guangzhou boasts the largest exhibition hall in Asia and hosts the most trade fairs in China.

In conclusion, Guangzhou is the best city for you to start your business trip. However, hiring a trusted Guangzhou sourcing agent to assist you in visiting China Markets and arranging factory tours can make your purchases faster and more convenient. I trust that YOLANDA Trade Limited will be your best choice as a Guangzhou Sourcing Agent.

How Do We Work As Your Guangzhou Sourcing Agent?

1. When you come to China, we are able to:

  • Offer Invitation Letters (Business Invitation Letters and Government-Authorized Invitation Letters)

  • Airport Pick-up and Hotel booking

  • Guide You in Wholesale Markets

  • Arrange Factory Tours

  • Canton Fair Guiding

  • Consolidated Payments to Your Suppliers

  • Follow Up on Orders

  • مراقبة الجودة

  • تجميع الشحنات

  • Free Warehousing

  • الإشراف على تحميل الحاويات

  • Documents for Customs

2. When you can not come to China, we are able to:

  • Product Sourcing and Factory Audits

  • Suppliers Management

  • Sending Samples

  • Place Orders on Your Behalf

  • Orders Tracking

  • مراقبة الجودة

  • Goods Consolidation

  • التخزين المجاني

  • Shipping from China

  • Documents for Customs

As a Guangzhou Sourcing Agent, What Can We Do for You?

خطاب دعوة للحصول على التأشيرة الصينية والاستقبال في المطار وحجز الفندق

We provide a free business invitation letter or government letter to assist with your visa application for your business trip to China. Additionally, we offer airport pick-up and hotel booking services.

توريد المنتجات وتدقيق المصانع

We can source all kinds of products with good quality and reasonable prices from different factories and local wholesale markets, helping you make better decisions about what to order. Additionally, we can conduct factory audits by visiting the factories and conducting detailed inspections.

Market Guide & Translation in Markets/Canton Fair/Factory

Our Guangzhou interpreters will guide you to different wholesale markets in Guangzhou, Foshan, Shenzhen, Zhongshan, according to your demands, providing you with good tips. In this way, you can compare prices and quality and gain a better understanding of the markets. With 7 years of rich experience as a market guide in Guangzhou and Foshan markets, you can rest assured that we have the expertise to fulfill all your needs and ensure a stress-free process.

If you have identified your target factories to visit in any city in China, our Guangzhou translators can accompany you and make a schedule for your business trip. We will arrange transportation, such as hiring a car or booking air/train tickets, to any city in China, such as Shenzhen, Foshan, Zhongshan, Yiwu, Zhengzhou, ect., and make appointments with each factory to ensure that your trip to China is smooth and worthwhile.

Moreover, we can accompany you and translate for you at the Canton Fair.

الدفع الموحّد لمورّديك المتعددين وتتبع الطلبات

If you have products from multiple suppliers that need to be ordered and combined into one container, we can assist you in making a total invoice that includes all items to receive total payments from you. Then, we will distribute the deposit to each supplier to start production, after the goods are ready, we will consolidate all goods from different suppliers and store them in our warehosue after conducting quality inspections. Read More: the Best Way to Pay Multiple Chinese Suppliers in the Markets.

After you leave China, we will follow up on your order and perform quality inspection on your goods before they are shipped to your country.

مراقبة الجودة وتوحيد البضائع

We offer full inspection and general inspection of goods, depending on the customer’s needs. Before shipping, we will send our inspectors to the factory to conduct a quality inspection of the goods. After confirm the quality, quantity, color and size, we will consolidate the goods from different suppliers and store them in our warehouse. Read More: خدمات التوحيد الصينية in Guangzhou.

فحص التخزين وتحميل الحاويات والتفتيش على الحاويات

If you have multiple suppliers from different cities, we can help with consolidated shipping and warehousing for your goods in any city in China, as well as inspection during container loading. We have warehouse in Guangzhou., Foshan, Shenzhen, Zhongshan, and Yiwu cities to fulfill different needs of customers.

الشحن عن طريق البحر/الجو/البريد السريع/ الشحن من الباب إلى الباب من الصين

We offer sea freight and air transportation services, as well as door-to-door shipping, and courier shipping, including customs clearance from China to anywhere in the world, at a competitive price. Read More: وكيل الشحن الصيني in Guangzhou.

As a Sourcing Agent in Guangzhou, Whom Can We Assist?

Businessmen who purchase from multiple suppliers

We can help consolidate their goods from multiple suppliers in different cities to our warehouse and undergo quality inspections before shipping or at factories prior to warehousing.

Individuals who import from China

We can offer a door-to-door shipping service, including taxes, to those who do not have an import license.

Hotels, Supermarkets, Retail Shops

We can act as a purchasing office in China for businessmen who need to deal with many factories, making their business easier.

Amazon sellers

We can serve as the China buying office for Amazon sellers, eBay sellers, and TikTok sellers, acting as your sourcing agent in China to save you time. We will identify the best manufacturer for you, send samples via DHL for you to check, arrange payment for production, follow up on orders, conduct quality control, handle consolidation, label packages, and arrange shipping to the FBA warehouse for you.

As a Guangzhou Sourcing Agent, What Products Do We Source?

Building Material & Furniture: Doors & Windows & Furniture & Sanitary and Bathroom Equipment & Tiles

Housewares: Kitchenware and Tableware & Household Items & Household Items & Home Decerations & Ceramic Products

Gifts & Decorations: Gifts and Packaging & Home Decorations & Gardening Products & Glass Artware & Festival Products & Weaving, Rattan and Iron Products & Art Ceramics & Clocks, Watches and Optical Instruments

Home Textiles: Home Textiles & Carpets and Tapestries, Sandals and slippers .

Fashion: Shoes & Clothing & Cases and Bags & Fashion Accessories and Fittings & .Textile Raw Materials & Fabrics and Accessories & Sports and Casual Wear & Underwear & Furs, Leather, Downs and Related Products & Jewelry & Personal Care Products

Toys: Toys & Kids’ Wear & Children, Baby Products

Hardware: Tools

Light & Electrical: Lighting Equipment & New Energy Resources

Vehicles & Two Wheels: Auto Parts & Motorcycle Accessories & Bicycles

Stationery: Office Supplies & Sports, Travel and Recreation Products

Electronics & Appliance: Laptop, Phone, Accessories, Household Electrical Appliances & Consumer Electronics and Information Products

Machines: General Machinery and Mechanical Basic Parts & Processing Machinery Equipment & New Materials and Chemical Products & Power Machinery and Electric Power & Agricultural Machinery & Construction Machinery & Agricultural Machinery & Construction Machinery & Industrial Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing

As a sourcing agent in Guangzhou, We can Source Any Products You Want from China

All the products displayed in our Product Catalog are sourced from various wholesale markets in China. They come with low minimum order quantities, competitive prices, and good quality. If you are in need of a China sourcing agent in Guangzhou to assist with your business or to help arrange a business trip, market tours, or factory tours, please feel free to contact us.

Working with a Guangzhou Sourcing Agent: Import Process from China

Step 1:

Hotel suggestions, visa Application, and confirmation of China trip schedule (markets and factories to visit).


Step 2:

We will come to your hotel to meet you and accompany you to different wholesale markets in Guangzhou and Foshan.

Step 3:

We will take pictures of all the product items you select in the market and make detailed notes on information such as color, size, material, and more in our notebook.


Step 4:

After completing the market visit, we will prepare a single Proforma Invoice (PI) that includes the styles and quantities of the selected items. You can review and confirm the PI accordingly.

Step 5:

As a Guangzhou sourcing agent, after you return to your country, we will send the final invoice, which includes multiple suppliers, to request a 30% deposit payment to our company's USD account. We will then distribute the deposit to each supplier in Chinese currency to initiate production.


Step 6:

We will follow up on all orders and provide you with weekly feedback.

Step 7:

We will visit each factory to conduct quality control on all the goods and ensure that all details match the invoice and meet your quality standards.


Step 8:

Once you send the remaining 70% balance to our company's USD account, we will distribute it to each of your suppliers in Chinese currency.

Step 9:

We will consolidate all the goods from different suppliers or markets in our warehouse and prepare the packing list.


Step 10:

We will book a container based on the volume indicated in the packing list.

Step 11:

Also as a sourcing agent in Guangzhou, We will load all the goods into the container and send it to the port to catch the vessel. We will also handle the customs clearance process.


Step 12:

We will prepare the invoice, packing list, Certificate of Origin (CO), bill of lading, and all necessary documents for the broker on your side to handle customs procedures.

Step 13:

When the container arrives at the port of your country, we will suggest a local broker to assist you with customs clearance, container release from the port, and delivery to your house.


Step 14:

We hope that all the goods meet your standards.

So far, these are all the processes involved in importing from China when working with a sourcing agent in Guangzhou.

How to Find a Good Sourcing Agent in Guangzhou, China?

Find a Private Guangzhou Sourcing Agent on Upwork

If you are starting a business and have a tight budget, look for a private sourcing agent in Guangzhou on Upwork. Working with a Guangzhou private agent helps you see if they are professional and responsible. Private agents usually charge less than sourcing agent companies in Guangzhou because they do not have to pay for office rent or employee salaries.

Find Reliable Guangzhou Sourcing Agents on Google

You can also find reliable sourcing agents in Guangzhou by using Google. Many small, medium, and large sourcing agent companies have websites. Just type "Guangzhou sourcing agent" or "Guangzhou agent" into the search bar, and you can easily find the top 10 agents in Guangzhou, China.

Find Trusted Guangzhou Sourcing Agents on Social Media

Another way to find trusted sourcing agents in Guangzhou is through social media platforms like Tiktok, فيسبوك, Instagram, تويتر, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Many Guangzhou sourcing agents use social media to connect with customers. This is a good way to get their contact information.

Tips for Selecting the Right Agent in Guangzhou

When you look for Guangzhou sourcing agents online, you might find many options, which can be confusing. To help you choose, consider meeting several Guangzhou agents in the lobby of your hotel when you arrive in Guangzhou. This meeting will help you understand each agent better. Make sure their experience matches your product needs. You can also have online meetings with the Guangzhou agents to help you decide.

Comparison: Guangzhou Sourcing Agent vs. Yiwu Sourcing Agent

Product Range and Specialization

Guangzhou sourcing agents excel at sourcing a wide variety of products, including hotel supplies, clothing, toys, shoes, jewelry, bags, hair products, cosmetics, beauty equipment, kitchenware, furniture, building materials, lighting, electronics, and more.

In contrast, Yiwu sourcing agents primarily focus on commodity items.

Commission Structure

Guangzhou sourcing agents typically charge a commission ranging from 1% to 5%. The wholesale markets in Guangzhou, Foshan, and Shenzhen are relatively scattered, making it more challenging for agents in Guangzhou to follow up on orders and inspect and receive goods. This scattered market requires agents to possess very professional market knowledge to navigate effectively.

In contrast, Yiwu sourcing agents charge lower commissions, starting at 1% and going up to 3%. Yiwu wholesale market is concentrated in one area, allowing agents to easily follow up on suppliers' orders and conduct inspections. Additionally, the high number of agents in Yiwu creates fierce competition, which contributes to the lower fees charged by Yiwu agents.

When deciding between a Guangzhou sourcing agent and a Yiwu sourcing agent, your choice may depend on the specific products you plan to purchase from China. However, if you have enough time and budget, you can visit both markets to compare them.

China Sourcing Agent Fees in Guangzhou

We charge Guangzhou sourcing agent fees ranging from 1% to 5% based on the total value of the purchased goods. Additionally, we require a fee of $100 per day in advance for Guangzhou wholesale market guide and Guangzhou factory tours. If the customer decides to choose us as their Guangzhou agent, we will return all fees as a deposit for the order.

We charge a Service Commission ranging from 1% to 5% based on the total value of your goods

Total Value of GoodsService Commission
Over $1,000,0001%
Please note that these percentages are applied to the total value of the goods.

If you are looking for a China Sourcing agent in Guangzhou for your business or projects, please feel free to contact us !

المدونات ذات الصلة

China hotel market

سوق قوانغتشو لمستلزمات الفنادق: أفضل دليل للمصادر

5 سبتمبر 2023

outdoor furniture pics

مُصنِّع أثاث خارجي من الألومنيوم في فوشان، الصين

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embroidered cotton fabrics

بيع الأقمشة بالجملة من الصين: 3 أفضل الموردين والأسواق

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sweater wholesale

أفضل مصنع صيني للسترات في سوق قوانغتشو للسترات في الصين

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amazon product sourcing services

أفضل وكيل توريد أمازون في الصين مع مراقبة الجودة

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japanese denim

أفضل 4 مصنعي الدنيم السلفيديج 4 في الصين، قوانغتشو

5 سبتمبر 2023

المنتجات ذات الصلة

home furniture china

أثاث منزلي

الأثاث والديكورات

chinese office furniture

أثاث مكتبي

الأثاث والديكورات

restaurant furniture china

الأثاث التجاري

الأثاث والديكورات

outdoor furniture china

أثاث خارجي

الأثاث والديكورات

guangzhou home decor wholesale market

ديكور المنزل

الأثاث والديكورات

foshan building material market

النوافذ والأبواب

مواد البناء

china tile market


مواد البناء

china spc floor suppliers

أرضيات PVC و SPC

مواد البناء

guzhen china


مواد البناء

china sanitary market

الأدوات الصحية

مواد البناء

china kitchen cabinets wholesale

خزائن المطبخ

مواد البناء

hotel toiletries wholesale

لوازم الفنادق

لوازم الفنادق

guangzhou kitchen equipment market

معدات المطبخ

أدوات المطبخ ومعداته

mesh lace fabric

قماش الدانتيل القطني

الأقمشة والإكسسوارات

rayon fabric suppliers

قماش رايون

الأقمشة والإكسسوارات

japanese denim manufacturers

سيلفيدج دنيم

الأقمشة والإكسسوارات

guangzhou fashion market

فستان ماكسي

الملابس والأحذية والحقائب

basic sweater supplier

كنزة صوفية

الملابس والأحذية والحقائب

wool scarf supplier


الملابس والأحذية والحقائب

sneaker wholesale in china market

أحذية رياضية

الملابس والأحذية والحقائب

china slippers for ladies


الملابس والأحذية والحقائب

guangzhou bag market

حقائب اليد

الملابس والأحذية والحقائب

guangzhou toy market


الألعاب والهدايا

portable gps navigation

نظام تحديد المواقع العالمي للملاحة



إرسال رسالة

أخبرنا بنوع المنتج الذي تريد استيراده من الصين. سنقوم بتعيين وكيل لك للتواصل معك في غضون ساعات قليلة.