Start Sourcing From China

Find New Suppliers?

If you are looking for new suppliers, we will customize a China sourcing plan and arrange a China business trip for you. This will include both factory tours and wholesale market tours to help you compare options and find the best suppliers. This is the best and fastest way to get connected with local manufacturers.

Manage My Suppliers?

If you prefer to use your own suppliers, we can help by combining your multiple orders into a single invoice. We can also collect different shipments from different factories into a single container to ship to your country. We will be your China buying office and your eyes in China to deal with all your suppliers.

Submit Your Sourcing Information

Fill out the form with your product needs. Our sourcing team will contact you soon. We'll assign someone to help with your project and provide personal assistance.

Use the form to get the fastest response. If you have trouble with the form, you can WHATSAPP us at +86 13502249247. We reply in less than 24 hours.

We’d Love to Hear From You! Contact Yolanda Sourcing Now!



WhatsApp: +86 135 0224 9247

Working Hours: 9:30 AM – 6 PM ( Monday – Saturday ) (China Standard Time)

Address: No. 8, Xinbei East 4th Lane, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China.