
The old-fashioned looms used in the last century were called narrow shuttle looms. Narrow width shuttle weaving machine uses shuttle to insert weft back and forth, so as to form a self-locking edge at the edge of Denim, which is called Selvedge or Selvage in English. Today we are going to introduce you top 4 selvedge denim manufacturers in China, Guangzhou.

As a China Sourcing Agent in Guangzhou, we help with factory sourcing, consolidated payment, order follow-up, quality control, warehousing, documents for customs, and shipping from China.

Why Do Top Brands use Selvedge Denim for Jeans?

Why do top brands such as Armani, LEE, AEO, DENHAM, EVISU, and UNIQLO like to use selvedge denim to make jeans? All of them have cooperated with the selvedge denim manufacturers in China, Guangzhou. Here are some reasons that they like selvedge denim for making jeans.

  • Fabric Characteristics and Production Techniques

    Lock edge fabric is tighter and denser than non-lock edge fabric. Higher density makes Denim stronger. Compared with Denim produced on modern looms, the use of traditional shuttle looms will produce changes on the surface of Denim, which makes Denim very unique visually.

  • Quality of Red Edge Fabrics

    Compared to factories that focus on commercialization and mass production, factories that specialize in producing red edge fabrics place higher emphasis on yarn quality, dyeing technology, quality control, design, and innovation. Therefore, in general, the quality and cost of red edge fabrics are superior.

What to expect from Selvedge Denim Manufacturers in China?

If you are interested in knowing how the selvedge denim manufacturers in China make the fabric, we would be pleased to prepare a factory tour in Guangzhou.

Raw Material

Cotton is the most common textile fiber and is crucial for making denim. To produce high-quality jeans, high-quality yarn is essential, which directly depends on the quality of cotton used. The quality of the cotton determines the quality of the yarn, and consequently, the final product.


Spinning influences the characteristics of the fabric and its drape. This process involves converting short cotton fibers into a long yarn. The yarn is twisted to form a continuous, infinitely extendable thread, making it easier to weave into fabric. The spinning process affects the texture and quality of the final denim fabric.

Indigo Dyeing

Once the yarn is spun, it will be woven into denim. Denim is a type of yarn-dyed fabric, so yarn dyeing is done first. The most common methods for dyeing yarn are rope dyeing and chip dyeing. Indigo dyeing gives denim its characteristic color and is an essential step in the production process.


The indigo-dyed warp (vertical direction) and the white weft (horizontal direction) are woven together to create denim. This weaving process follows a specific organizational structure, which gives denim its distinct appearance and texture. The interlacing of these yarns results in the characteristic denim fabric.

Top Selvedge Denim Manufacturers in China

Selvedge Denim Manufacturers in China, Guangzhou:

Actually, there are only 4 selvedge denim manufacturers in China Guangzhou; the rest are trading companies. The art of making selvedge denim is very complicated and requires rich experience.

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    Guangzhou Hormin Selvedge Denim Factory

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    Guangzhou Furshi Selvedge Denim Factory

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    Guangzhou Selvedge Denim Factory

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    Zhongshan Tongcheng Textile Factory

These are the only manufacturers who produce selvedge denim in Guangzhou, especially the first and second ones, who have the best knowledge of more than 40 years of experience in making selvedge denim. Usually, they produce selvedge denim for top brands such as Armani, LEE, AEO, DENHAM, EVISU, and UNIQLO.

There are thousands of designs of selvedge denim in their factories' showrooms for customers to choose from. All of them are located in Zengcheng, Guangzhou city, which is famous for making jeanwear in the world.

Top Two Selvedge Denim Manufacturers in China, Guangzhou:

Among the 4 manufacturers, the first and second ones are the best according to our experience. The owners of these two factories are more than 60 years old and have been making selvedge denim for more than 40 years. They cannot speak English and do not know how to do online business, so their wholesale prices are very good. They always use the best cotton materials, and after our customers take samples from these 4 factories, they all love the products from the first and second ones.

  • The disadvantages of these 2 factories are:

    Most of their designs have no stock available, and the minimum order quantity is 3,000 yards per style.

  • The advantages are:

    The prices are very good, and the quality is excellent.

Two More Top Selvedge Denim Manufacturers in China Guangzhou:

The third and fourth factories have quite expensive prices compared to the other two, and their services are so-so, but you can still take a look at their designs. The disadvantage of these two factories is that their prices are a little bit high, but most of their designs have stock. Of course, the quality is not as perfect as the first and second ones.

If you are looking for selvedge denim manufacturers in China, please feel free to contact us, it will be our pleasure to arrange China factory tours for you.

Where Can You Find 32 OZ Selvedge Denim Manufacturers in China?

Guangzhou Furshi, a selvedge denim manufacturer, is the first manufacturer to make the heaviest selvedge denim in the world, which is up to 32 oz. This is great news in the selvedge denim industry.

Where Can You find a Factory to Produce Jeans with Selvedge Denim in China?

After you purchase selvedge denim from the manufacturers in China, we can assist you with a jean wear manufacturer to produce ready products according to your designs. Ususally, Zengcheng city and Zhongshan city are famous for making jean wear in China, thousands of jean wear factories locate here with rich experience to make high quality jean wears.

If you are looking for high quality of selvedge denim manufacturer in China, please feel free to contact us to assisit with your business. As a sourcing agent in Guangzhou, we can assist you with the factory sourcing and shipping from China.

نبذة عن الكاتب

سوزان ما: خبيرة التوريد ودليل السوق الصيني الخاص بك

سوزان ما خبيرة في توريد المنتجات والمصانع لشركة يولاندا المحدودة. وهي تساعد المشترين على الاستفادة من "صُنع في الصين". تتمتع سوزان بخبرة في إرشاد السوق، وفحص الموردين، والتفاوض على الصفقات، وفحص المنتجات، وتجميع الطلبات، وتنظيم الشحن.

وهي تفهم مختلف أسواق الجملة في الصين، مما يساعدها على تأمين أفضل الصفقات للعملاء. سوزان متحمسة لمساعدة المشترين الأجانب في الاستفادة من إمكانات سوق الجملة في الصين وتحقيق أقصى قدر من الأرباح.

مع وجود سوزان على رأس احتياجاتك من المصادر، يمكنك أن تتوقع الخبرة التالية في السوق:

  • سوق قوانغتشو: الملابس، والأقمشة، ولوازم الفنادق، ومعدات المطبخ، ومستحضرات التجميل، والألعاب، والأحذية، والحقائب، والشعر البشري
  • سوق فوشان: الأثاث، مواد البناء، الديكور المنزلي، الآلات، الأثاث، مواد البناء، الديكور المنزلي، الآلات
  • سوق شنتشن: الإلكترونيات، إضاءة
  • سوق تشونغشان: الإضاءة والإكسسوارات

تعاون مع سوزان وأطلق العنان للإمكانات الكاملة لأسواق الجملة في الصين لأعمالك.

الخدمات الرئيسية


تدقيق المصنع

توريد المنتجات

العثور على الموردين


دليل السوق

زيارة المصنع

رحلات العمل

إدارة الطلبات

الدفع للموردين

متابعة الطلب

إعداد الوثائق


الانتقاء والتعبئة

مراقبة الجودة

الشحن المجمّع











السكك الحديدية


المعاناة في مجال التوريد والشحن من الصين

قم بترتيب جولة في السوق في الصين الآن؟

هل تخطط للقيام بجولة في المصنع في الصين الآن؟

هل تحتاج إلى وكيل شحن صيني مرتب الآن؟

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معلومات المستخدم

نبذة عن المؤلفة سوزان ما

سوزان هي وكيلة توريد صينية في قوانغتشو ساعدت رجال الأعمال من أكثر من 100 دولة في زيارة أسواق الجملة والمصانع الصينية لإجراء عمليات الشراء لمدة 10 سنوات. وهي تشارك دائمًا اتجاهات الأسواق والمنتجات الأكثر مبيعًا وقواعد الاستيراد من الصين، وتقدم معلومات تجارية محدثة بناءً على خبرتها في العمل.

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إرسال رسالة

أخبرنا بنوع المنتج الذي تريد استيراده من الصين. سنقوم بتعيين وكيل لك للتواصل معك في غضون ساعات قليلة.